After giving animal fever to the fans, Ranbir Kapoor is now going to work in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's film. Ranbir made his Bollywood debut with Sanjay's film and now after 17 years, Ranbir is working with him. The name of the film is Love and War. Apart from Ranbir, the film also stars Alia Bhatt and Vicky Kaushal. But do you know that Ranbir has put some conditions before signing this film?
what is ranbir's condition
According to a Bollywood Hungama report, Ranbir's one condition is that the film should be completed on time because apart from Love and War, he has many other projects in which he has to work. At the same time, the makers have promised Ranbir that the shooting of the film will start in November this year and the shooting of the film will be completed in July 2025 next year because Ranbir has to work in another project in August 2025.
will work for fixed hours
The second condition is that Ranbir will have some fixed working hours. While working with Sanjay in the film Saawariya, Ranbir worked continuously for many hours and now Ranbir does not want to do that again. Ranbir's third condition is that there should be proper discipline in all the departments on the set.
Alia brought Sanjay and Ranbir together
It is also being said that Alia Bhatt is behind bringing Ranbir and Sanjay together. Alia has brought both of them together. Both have put forward all their conditions in front of each other. However, we do not confirm how true or false this news is.
Talking about the film Love and War, it will be released next year i.e. on Christmas in 2025. Let us tell you that Ranbir and Alia have previously worked together in the film Brahmastra which was a superhit film. Now this is the second film of both of them together. This is also Alia's second film with Vicky Kaushal. Both of them have previously worked in the superhit film Raazi. Vicky and Ranbir have worked together in the film Sanju. Now let's see what wonders this trio does in the film Love and War.