Aamir Khan Productions' film 'Laapta Ladies' is seeing a rapid rise in its collections, although it will not be enough to recover the cost. The opening day collection of this film directed by Kiran Rao was merely 75 lakh rupees. The film earned 1 crore 45 lakh rupees on the second day and on Sunday, the film has earned 1 crore 8 lakh rupees till the time of writing the news. The total collection of the film in the first weekend so far has been 3 crore 28 lakh rupees.
Movie review and rating on IMDb
The story of the film is about a bride who is transformed because of the veil. When a boy living in a small village returns to his village after getting married, he finds out that the girl he has brought with him is not his bride but someone else. A complaint is made to the police and an investigation begins. Now the question is whether the girl who came with the boy is plotting something or is it a big coincidence. The film has received a rating of 8.4 out of 10 on IMDb and critics are also praising it.
What is the budget of 'Missing Ladies'?
Directed by Sparsh Shrivastava and Nitanshi Loyal, the budget of this film is said to be Rs 20 crore. This means that to recover the cost and come into the profit zone, the film will have to do a business of more than Rs 25 crore. Now it remains to be seen whether the film will benefit from word of mouth publicity. Because although the film has done amazing business in the first weekend, but its business has not been so great that it can recover its cost.