Bhojpuri actress Akshara Singh's new song 'Hansi Ke Khazana' has been released on YouTube channel Worldwide Records Bhojpuri on Monday. The Bhojpuri icon is seen playing the role of a teacher in this music video. While the lyrics of this song by Phanindra Rao have been written in such a way that it will instantly become popular among children, Mamta Raut's lyrics perfectly fit the Bhojpuri superstar of today.
Akshara won hearts in her school teacher look
Wearing a red saree and round glasses, Akshara Singh looks exactly like a teacher of a government school. She has put a pallu on her head and with simplicity in her eyes, she is seen telling small stories to tickle the students. Children are liking her style of teaching a lot, because on one hand, while she is telling the story in the style of a song, on the other hand, she is also teaching something through every story.
Akshara is ready to enter the hearts of children
This style of Akshara Singh with sindoor in her hair parting is enough to win the hearts of fans. Akshara tries to try something new and innovative every time and this time the Bhojpuri superstar actress has made her way to the hearts of children through this song. The lyrics of the song are, “Hansi ke khajana leke aayil bani, tohni ke pasann ke sunaib hum kahaani.” This song is from the Bhojpuri film 'Akshara', for which the actress has made a lot of headlines. This film is much talked about in the corridors of Bhojpuri industry.
The song started going viral as soon as it was released
The film is produced by Kuldeep Srivastava and Ratnakar Kumar. It is directed by Dev Pandey. The stories written by Rakesh Tripathi have won the hearts of the audience earlier also and this time he has come with Dev Pandey and Ratnakar Kumar. Within a few hours of its release, this song has received countless views and people are not tired of praising it in the comment section.